The Ontario Miniature Print Exhibition
August 17-27, 2016 at Satellite Project Space - London Ontario
A warm thanks to the 36 artists who submitted 122 works, Satellite Project Space and Museum London for the venue and support, the jurors for their expertise and everyone who visited the exhibition!
The Print London-sponsored show, “The Ontario Miniature Print Exhibition,” is a significant showcase in this region that represents the spectrum of printmaking arts, including longstanding traditions and newer innovations that deserve attention and acclaim. We are thrilled to be involved in this project that brings together the work of Ontario artists from London and Middlesex County, around the country, and even outside Canada. As a jury of three whose backgrounds regarding printmaking give us a wide breadth of interests, we found the submissions to be relevant and passionate explorations of technique and representation that engaged us at a high level. In our deliberations, we enjoyed the opportunity to note how some seemingly conventional techniques – such as woodcut – were often brought to life in remarkably innovative ways, and more apparently contemporary approaches sometimes presented themselves as ‘continuous’ with older styles. Regarding the quality of the work submitted, we felt that overall it was at a high level. Nonetheless we were determined to make a selection that highlights works which ‘stand out’ in some manner: whether for their level of innovation, captivating subject matter, control of technique, or some other aspect that pushes the possibilities for printmaking in 2016. In doing so, we chose 54 works, and from those, we selected a first, second, and third prize -winner. They are:
First Prize – Kurt Pammer, Hornitos or Mehari's? in with mini Pradas (2014), aquatint, etching, drypoint
Second Prize – Cathy Senitt, OTJ (2014), intaglio
Third Prize – Ryan Laidman, No Order (2016), waterless lithography
We offer our warm congratulations to all who submitted work, to the exhibited artists, and to the award winners for their technical and imaginative distinction. And finally, to Print London, and all of its organizers and volunteers, we offer our sincere praise for your efforts in pulling together this significant project.
Cassandra Getty - Curator of Art, Museum London
Patrick Mahon - Graduate Chair, Western University
Jenna Faye Powell - Gallery Director, Forest City Gallery
Opening night speeches
Friends from Open Studio in Toronto (Left to Right): Amy Uyeda, Loree Ovens, Shogo Okada, Irina Schestakowich, Kurt Pammer, Agustin Rolando Rojas
Left to Right: Patrick Mahon (juror), Cassandra Getty (juror), Joscelyn Gardner (Print London founder), Kurt Pammer (first prize artist), absent from photo - Jenna Faye Powell (juror)
TOMPE Installation - Left side of gallery
TOMPE Installation - Right side of gallery
Print Image Gallery
The winning prints!
First Prize – Kurt Pammer, Hornitos or Mehari's? in with mini Pradas (2014), aquatint, etching, drypoint
Second Prize – Cathy Senitt, OTJ (2014), intaglio
Third Prize – Ryan Laidman, No Order (2016), waterless lithography
Special thanks to our sponsors MUSEUM LONDON and SATELLiTE Project Space for their support.